Wallpaper for your phone

NEW! Download L-R wallpaper for your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.

Right click on your mouse (or, Ctrl click) and save image. Copy the photo to your device by using iTunes or just email yourself the photo, open it through your device and save. Once the photo is on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, go to Settings, then General, then Wallpaper to select.




Alumni Engagement

Director of Alumni Engagement

Dana Ochs Hamilton '88

Alumni Association Board President 2014-2015
Jade Cobb Murray '03

Copyright 2011-2013 | Lenoir-Rhyne University Office of Alumni Engagement | 625 7th Avenue NE, Hickory, N.C. 28601 USA | 828-328-7351 • 800-361-2704 | Facebook  Twitter YouTube